Legal Notice

By means of this notice, Alma Comunicación y Estrategia, S.L., declares its liability for the website, and provides the general information that information society service providers are legally bound to make available to consumers and users pursuant to Art. 10 of Law 34/2002 of 11 July on Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services. We […]

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Privacy policy

  PERSONAL DATA PROCESSING AND PRIVACY   The Company Ideas con Alma Comunicación y Estrategia, S.L., hereinafter ANDALUSIAN STORIES, informs users of the website of its personal data protection policy, so that users may freely and voluntarily decide whether they wish to provide ANDALUSIAN STORIES with the personal data they are requested to submit […]

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Aviso Legal

Quienes Somos A través de este aviso, Alma Comunicación y Estrategia, S.L., declara su responsabilidad sobre el sitio, y viene a  dar a  conocer la información general que los prestadores de servicios de la sociedad de la información estamos obligados a poner a disposición de los consumidores y usuarios, por imperativo del Art.10 de […]

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