Postales desde Marte: ciencia con microrrelatos marcianos para conocer mejor el planeta rojo

Postales con imágenes del paisaje marciano y con pequeñas historias que alguien desconocido escribe desde Marte, y que incluyen información científica sobre el proyecto Upwards. Es una herramienta más de divulgación que ponen en marcha desde el Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía para dar a conocer este proyecto europeo, que se coordina desde Granada, y en el que participan instituciones de 5 países con el objetivo de construir una imagen completa del planeta rojo.



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992 thoughts on “Postales desde Marte: ciencia con microrrelatos marcianos para conocer mejor el planeta rojo

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  2. The IBAT token presale went live at $0.0015 on July 11th. The token can be bought with a BNB/USD pair at a fixed exchange rate of $250 per BNB token. Users can stay updated by following the Battle Infinity Telegram Group to see if this token can become the next penny cryptocurrency to boom.Visit Battle Infinity Dogecoin’s current supply is 132 billion coins, and about 5 billion new coins are added every year. Shiba Inu, meanwhile, has a supply of 549 trillion tokens. As a result, the price per token is extremely low – at the time of writing this article, 1 SHIB is worth only $0.00001110. Amazon Summer Appliances Sale | Upto 40% off on ACs, Air Coolers, Refrigerators, Fans, Washing Machines & more… She added the remaining 45 percent of the ICO funds are under the nonprofit’s management, predominantly ether reserves along with 5 percent in conservative, traditional investment products.
    Bitcoin has value for the same reasons any other money does. We value goods as money if they exhibit specific, tangible properties. The six characteristics1 of sound money are: The process of Bitcoin mining, an analogy to gold mining, is a mechanism to issue new bitcoins. It also verifies and adds Bitcoin transactions on the blockchain. Mining requires high-speed computers called “nodes” to independently validate transactions and add blocks of validated transactions to the ever-growing chain, which holds a complete, permanent and public record of every Bitcoin transaction ever made. This requirement of validating transactions for authenticity before adding them to the blockchain is called proof of work.  Launched in 2009, BTC was initially worth zero and for several months swapped hands for fractions of one cent. In 2011, BTC’s value crossed the $1 mark. In early 2017, BTC crossed the $1,000 mark. It has steadily climbed higher since then, despite some major pullbacks along the way.

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